Drools @ JUG Cork, Ireland (2nd March 2016)
Hi all, I'm creating this blog post to share with you all that I'm doing a presentation in the Java User Group at Cork, Ireland.
For more information about the meet up go here: http://www.meetup.com/corkjug/events/226397805/
The session is titled "Go back home knowing how to use Drools 6 in your own projects" and it will be focused on the basics to get you started using Drools and the common pitfalls that new developers might find when using Drools. We will also quickly cover some common architectural patterns of using Drools and how it can be integrated into your existing applications.
If you are planning to attend please share this blog post with your friend and post a message here or in the meet up page with the topics that you would like to see during the presentation. As usual, I'm pretty open to cover what the audience consider more important.
I will be back with more information more close to the meet up date.