jBPM5 Developer Guide published!
After almost 2 years of work and a lot of rewrites the jBPM5 Developer Guide is out! The book is
jBPM5 Developer Guide Barcelona Presentation @Barcelona 19/12/12 (Tomorrow)
Hi everyone, the meetup for tomorrow is confirmed and we now have a place confirmed. The meetup will take place
Barcelona JUG - jBPM5 Developer Guide Presentation (19/12/12)
Hi everyone, I'm going to give a presentation in Barcelona about the jBPM5 Developer Guide book. There is
jBPM Console NG (Update): Rules + Processes + Events
Hi everyone! I'm back with another update about the jBPM Console NG. Yesterday we did a quick demo
Once you become familiar with the topics discussed in my previous two posts:
(Processes & Rules) or (Rules & Processes) 1/X
One of the things that differentiate jBPM5 from other BPMS is the fact that it runs on top of the
2012 Salaboy, Open Source Knowledge
Damn it! Once again I've abandoned my blog due tons of work that needs to be done!. I