


Wow! What a year it has been! After an incredible 2022, I thought it would be a difficult year to top up, but oh my! This year was intense, but in a perfect way. I’ve traveled the world and met amazing people. I want to thank everyone who approached me to say hello, get a book copy, or share a hug.
12 min read

Back to basics: APIs to rule them all (Dapr on Kubernetes) #2

In this blog post, we will package and deploy the application we coded in the previous blog post to Kubernetes. We will create a local Kubernetes Cluster with Kubernetes KinD, install and configure Dapr, to finally deploy our application.
4 min read

Back to basics: APIs to rule them all (Dapr Statestore APIs) #1

In this short blog post, I wanted to share some of the projects I've been working on lately. I hope that by sharing some of these integrations, experiments, and simple examples, you can apply some of the lessons I learned to your projects, so let's jump right into it.
5 min read

KubeCon NA 2023

Last week KubeCon NA, was personally the most amazing and rewarding KubeCon so far! The highlight of my week was meeting with people interested in the just published and printed Platform Engineering on Kubernetes book.
6 min read

Have you ever been to KubeCon?

I am heading to KubeCon NA Chicago, USA for a full 7 days of Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering, and Open Source including Cloud-Native Rejekts, KubeCon Co-located events (AppDeveloperCon) and the main conference starting on Tuesday.
4 min read

Milestone achieved: Book Published! 🥳

I am happy to announce that my book Platform Engineering on Kubernetes is officially out! You can get the final version of the first edition via the Manning website. You can also order a printed version!
2 min read

KubeCon Shanghai 2023

KubeCon Shanghai is over, and I am still mind-blown with the entire experience. The conference had 1800+ people attending in Shanghai, and companies like Huawei, Arm, Intel, and Alibaba Cloud were sponsoring the event.
3 min read

Book updates and beta testers request

I have been quiet lately because I've been focused on finishing my book Platform Engineering on Kubernetes. Hopefully, the printed version will see the light closer to November this year. A Chinese publisher partnered with Manning and will translate the book into Chinese.
4 min read

DevBcn 2023

I've been presenting at the JBCN / DevBCN conference, held in Barcelona, Spain, for eight years. Originally started as a Java Conference organized by the local Java User Group, I watched the conference grow from a few hundred people to 1000+.
3 min read

Cost-Effective Multi-tenancy on Kubernetes

Provisioning Kubernetes Clusters is expensive and becomes problematic if your organization or customers demand tenant isolation. In this report, I decided to cover vcluster and Loft Labs.
6 min read