πͺπΈ DevBCN / KCD Barcelona 2024

Another DevBCN conference done! This year was special because the first KCD Barcelona happened. I started the KCD Track on Thursday with a session about Serverless Platforms on top of Kubernetes.
I covered a set of projects associated with Serverless in the Kubernetes space.
I used the Openfunction project, which nobody in the room knew about, to show common tools that are glued together to build a serverless experience. I also discussed the trade-offs and challenges you will face when adopting complex tools like this.
Check the repository that I've created with a simple example using Openfunction:
After covering the basics of Openfunction, I dug into the tools used behind the covers for platform engineers to get an idea of how these tools can be combined depending on their custom use cases.
To talk about these tools, I used the Example Voting App that you can run on your cluster here: https://github.com/salaboy/example-voting-app
In this example, I used Knative to deploy and autoscale the application services. I especially used the concept of "from Container to URL" to run the services and access them from a public URL.
Then, I discussed how the Dapr project can help developers access complex infrastructure so that their applications don't get tied to the environment where they are running.
Finally, I touch on Crossplane, to provision environments, infrastructure, and configurations to simplify not only the provisioning of complex setups but also to speed up teams with very well-defined use cases that just need higher-level abstractions to perform their day-to-day tasks.
It was great to see other presentations about OpenTelemetry, Crossplane, ArgoCD, Dapr, API Management tools, and security.
I did a dry run of the presentation before the conference, check it out and drop me a message if you have any questions about these projects or if you want to know more about something specific.
I also enjoyed chatting with Marc Klefter about Dapr and the CQRS pattern, which would be quite good to support and document using Dapr.

If you can attend DevBCN next year, I strongly recommend doing so. This conference promotes a wide range of topics and brings people from different roles together to discuss where the industry is going.

As always, I want to share my appreciation to Jona, Nacho, Anyul and all the organizers, volunteers and sponsors that made this conference possible one more year!