I've been busy, KubeCon EU is around the corner
Busy times indeed! I look forward to meeting new and old friends at KubeCon EU in Amsterdam (sold out! 10K people!). It has been a couple of intense weeks full of preparations, syncing up with people who cannot go, and it is not over yet. If you are going to Amsterdam and you are reading this blog post, let's meet.

I've been busy working with folks from Upbound, Synstasso, Tetrate, Deis Labs, Red Hat, Loft.sh, and others on some exciting stuff. Some of that is not published yet, but check these two blog posts and some step-by-step tutorials that are out already. There is more to come next week:
- Crossplane + Dapr: https://blog.crossplane.io/crossplane-and-dapr/
- Kratix + Dapr: https://blog.dapr.io/posts/2023/04/02/creating-dapr-enabled-platforms-with-kratix/
- Crossplane Providers and Compositions step-by-step tutorial part of my book Platform Engineering on Kubernetes: https://github.com/salaboy/from-monolith-to-k8s/tree/main/crossplane
I am pretty happy because, after a week of starting here on my new blog, I've got 30 subscriptions and now have paid members 🥳🙏. I am already collecting data for the first members-only Cloud Native report I aim to publish in the last week of April. If you haven't checked out that option or subscribed, it will significantly help me if you do.
I am looking forward to experimenting with how to bring people together, share time-sensitive information, and help people on their cloud-native journeys.
Here is the list of things that I will be doing in the next two weeks:
- Kubeaster Meetup - Thursday 6:00 pm - 13th April - London UK - Monzo offices: https://www.meetup.com/kubernetes-london/events/292149562/rsvp/
- Cloud Native Rejekts - Monday 10:30 am - 17th April - Amsterdam, Netherlands https://cfp.cloud-native.rejekts.io/cloud-native-rejekts-eu-amsterdam-2023/schedule/
- TAG App Delivery Meetup - Tuesday 13:30 - 18th April - https://tag-app-delivery.cncf.io/blog/tag-app-delivery-at-kubecon-eu-2023/
- KubeCon EU Dapr + VCluster for Cost Optimization and multitenant scenarios: Wednesday 4pm - 19th April - Loft.sh Booth
- KubeCon EU Main Track - Thursday 11:55 am - 20th April - Amsterdam, Netherlands https://sched.co/1HyW0
- KubeCon EU Knative Maintainers Track - Friday 11:55 am - 21th April https://sched.co/1HyT3
I am sure I will hang around the Diagrid.io booth, and when I can, I will collect stickers and pins from other sponsors. Once again, if you see me around, let's chat!