Jenkins X on Linode LKE Webinar
A couple of weeks ago, I did a webinar for Linode and their Managed Kubernetes Engine (as part of LearnK8s) where I run Jenkins X and demonstrated the project capabilities. Here you can find my slides and the links to watch the webinar on-demand.
Here you can also find a tutorial on how to get started with Jenkins X on Linode, which were the preparation steps that I followed to get Jenkins X ready for my webinar.
Finally, here is the link to watch the webinar recording on-demand.®Tag=1210267&sourcepage=register
Make sure you watch the KubeFlow webinar from my friend Salman which you can also choose from the previous link.
Stay tuned and join me tomorrow at @Kubecon where I will be showing more of Jenkins X and Zeebe to provide business visibility and microservices orchestration.