#JenkinsWorld 2019, San Fransisco, USA
I had an amazing time in San Francisco, the Jenkins community is amazing. It was a big milestone for Jenkins, the project is thriving after 15 years of its creation.

The most amazing thing with these events is the fact that you manage to put names to faces and see how people collaborate together to get stuff done, no matter the background or even companies interest.
My presentation was all about Building Cloud Native Platforms with the help of Jenkins X and all the challenges that you will face in a real life project.
[slideshare id=163885923&doc=integratingjenkinsxwithyourbusiness-190814173440]
You can find more about my presentation and all the links for the demo that I showed here.
I'm really happy to see how the CDFoundation is shaping up and I do expect a lot of more things happening this year on that front. The CD Foundation really matters and I hope that the entire Kubernetes community helps to support this initiative.

I was surprised by CloudBees SDM offering, I will need to check that out in more details as well.

I am already looking forward to meet the European communities in December at Jenkins World Lisbon.
Last but not least, the most awesome Jenkins Plugin Ever, I am hoping to see this in Jenkins X soon: