1 min read

Community Meetups March '19

We had quite an intense set of meet-ups this months. As usual, we want to share what we are learning while doing Activiti Cloud, and this means to share our Journey, lessons learned, mistakes and also the current state of the art of the frameworks and tools that we are using.

We truly believe that by sharing we learn and promote collaboration. On these events we got valuable feedback from other organisations and projects going through the same Cloud Native journey and we got in touch with some new tools that might improve our tools.

In this blog post I will add all the slides and videos related with the following meetups:

  • 14th March: London DevOps (UK) - English
  • 19th March: ArqConfMDQ (Mar del Plata, Argentina) - Spanish
  • 20th March: Ministerio de Salud (Capital Federal, Argentina) - Spanish

[slideshare id=137384199&doc=ministeriodesalud2019-elcaminodejavaak8s-190320204950]

[slideshare id=136539291&doc=fromjavamonolithtokubernetesmicroservicesanopensourcejourneywithjenkins-x-190315075803]


Some interesting stuff that I've learnt at the Ministerio de Salud meetup about Healthcare Standards are:

SNOMED CT and the nomenclature service sounds like a perfect fit for a vertical use case of Activiti Cloud.

At the ArqConfMDQ meetup we had good discussions about Spring Cloud Kubernetes and how to move forward a Spring Cloud project when we started with the Netflix OSS stack and now want to move full forward with the Kubernetes approach.