Results from the Drools & jBPM Workshop @ Bcn (10th Dec)
I'm quite happy to say that the Barcelona Workshop was a complete success. Once again I would like to thanks the @BarcelonaJug for all the effort that they put into organise these meetups. This post is to share some pics and some overall comments about the event.
The Barcelona Java User Group
Find here some pics about the group, with almost 30 attendees interested in Drools & jBPM the workshop was a success, all of the attendees manage to run & play with KIE Workbench:
If you are working in a company based in Barcelona, I strongly suggest you to support your local JUG. This will benefit you to build up your knowledge, bring expert people from abroad and share the knowledge that is being produced locally by the other members of the group.
Do the Workshop on your own Laptop
Once again I'm sharing the files that we distributed on the workshop so you can try it on your own environment. If you are interested in building all the projects from the source code let me know I can help you out to set up the environment to get you started.
Feedback from the Community
As usual, when we present the community projects, we gather a lot of feedback from the people that is testing the tool and we take notes to improve the user experience. I've noticed from this last meet up that there is a lot of interest in knowing about the project internals. For that reason I've proposed another meet up probably for the beginning of February to cover Drools & jBPM from the framework perspective without showing the tooling. I do believe that knowing the framework internals is something interesting for most of developers, but at the same time I feel that knowing about the tools will give them a more higher level understand about what's the main purpose of these frameworks and tools. You can obviously target to a wider audience with the UI provided by the KIE Workbench, showing with this tools how you can help the whole company spectrum with a knowledge driven solution.
As a reminder, all the software that we had shown in the meet up was built using the master branch of the source code repositories, so you can expect some issues that are being solved. The main idea of showing the community builds is to encourage people to participate into this community projects.
Feel free to write some comments into this blog post with some suggestions about what kind of topics you would like to see in an internal talk about Drools & jBPM. I usually like to talk about both frameworks because they shared a lot of common topics that needs to be discussed under the same context.