1 min read

(JBoss in Bossa 2011).equals("Great Community Event!")

After finishing the second JBoss in Bossa I felt the need to push something like this to happen in Buenos Aires. The people here is passionate to go to a paid event during the weekend and enjoy great talks with high technical skills. We definitely need to imitate this motion and push forward to have this community events in Argentina where we can share the community knowledge.


This was the agenda of the event. I personally like the idea of having two concurrent tracks :)

It was a great time to meet good friends and enjoy the good weather in Brazilia!


I'm sharing here the slides that I've used in during the event. I hope next year I can continue sharing the concepts behind Drools and jBPM5 event further.


[slideshare id=9614283&doc=jbossinbossa2011-salaboy-memes-v3-1-111009013433-phpapp01]